Tuesday, May 01, 2007

Precinct Poll Workers Needed

Madison County needs precinct workers for the May 22 primary election. Call County Clerk's office if you are interested: 624-4703 and sign up at the County Clerk's office. To serve as a precinct election officer, you must be a qualified voter, have not changed your party affiliation one year prior to the appointment, and not be a candidate or the spouse, parent, brother, sister, or child of a candidate who is to be voted for in this election. Voters who will be 18 on or before November 6, 2007 are eligible to serve in the upcoming primary election.

There is a required training session to be a poll worker. Those are scheduled for Wednesday, May 16 at three different times: 1 p.m., 3:30 p.m. and 6 p.m. at the County Extension Center on Duncannon Lane. If you can't make one of those sessions, there may be a makeup on Monday night at the court house.

Each precinct in the state is required to have four precinct officers serving on the day of the election. Each election officer is paid a minimum of sixty dollars per election, as well as additional payment for mileage and mandatory training.

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