Friday, February 06, 2009

LWV to join KFTC lobbying efforts in Frankfort


. Kentucky is one of just 2 states that take voting rights away from all former felons and this impacts 186,000 Kentuckians, weakening our democracy and our justice system. We'll have a rally and will form lobby groups early in the day, including a mix of experienced lobbyists and first-time lobbyists to talk to their representatives and senators.

Schedule for the day:

- 8am-9am Annex Room 171 - Elections and Constitutional Amendments Committee. HB 170 might be heard on this day. If it hasn't been heard yet, it is still valuable to have members in the room to make an impression on committee members.

9am-2pm, basing out of Annex Room 113 - We'll form lobby teams, orient people, and assign legislative targets. This will be our base of operations throughout the day.

10am-11am Annex Room 131 - Press Conference/Speak-out (continued lobbying)
- 1:45pm - 2:05pm - Last chance to talk to legislators as they walk to their respective chambers.
- 2pm-3pm - Debrief in room 131.

11 a.m. Gather at the Kentucky River where Capitol Ave crosses the River and intersects with Route 60.

11:30 a.m. Begin March to Capitol (the route is .6 miles and mostly flat.)

12 p.m. Rally on the Capitol Steps

1-3 p.m. Lunch in the cafeteria in the basement of the Capitol Annex, followed by efforts to see our own legislators.

1:15-2:15 p.m.: Optional orientation in Capitol Annex Room 113 for people who plan to visit their own legislators.

2:30-3:15 p.m.: We have reserved Room 113 of the Capitol Annex for residents of Madison County to meet with their legislators.

1:30-2:15 p.m.: We have reserved Room 154 of the Capitol Annex for residents of Fayette County to meet with their legislators.

2:30-3:15 p.m.: We have reserved Room 154 of the Capitol Annex for residents of Jefferson County to meet with their legislators. 

3-4p.m. We will all gather outside the visitor’s entrance to the Capitol Annex in order to be visible as legislators head to their afternoon session in the Capitol.

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